Tel: 01254 491716


The Burnley club in the North West of Lancashire in the UK is the main headquarters for Iaido and the British Iaido Association, it boasts on having nearly 2500 square feet of varnished floor area. There is a separate room for Jujitsu of around 1000 square feet and the reception area is similar to Darwen facilities wise.

Our Ryu (school) of Iaido is Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu (MJER) and it is legitimate Iaido as instructed to ourselves in Japan. We have a correct lineage and training manual that has been provided by our technical advisor to the British Iaido Association, Teruhisa Nanno Sensei Hachi (8th) Dan from Kozoji. Iaido is a great way to maintain and gain new flexibility along with stamina; it also promotes a deeper understanding of one’s self. It may not be as energetic as Jujitsu or Kick Boxing, but is by no means a soft option, in fact quite the opposite, it has a skill set that many will struggle to achieve. It will improve balance and hand eye coordination, as well as re learning patience and a more Zen state of mind.

Our JuJitsu is Traditional and is a fantastic vessel to promote fitness and a sense of self-worth, whilst also promoting manners and respect for others.

Our premises on Hammerton are fully covered by CCTV through the staircases until entering our premises and there are ample parking facilities to the rear of the building on “cow Lane car park” Again there are dedicated times that will not fluctuate and private tuition on Iaido is available if requested, we also have the facilities to cater for groups upon request.

Training at the Burnley club is by invitation only and it is advised that you make an appointment before attending, as failure to do so will result in refusal of entry.

So if you fancy training here at Burnley please fill in the form on the right and make an appointment.

Contact Us

Alternatively, call us on 01254 491716